Nangmati Rajaphulia


A large number of Kondhs stay in and around Kalahandi. The ones who stay in Thuamul Rampur and Lanjigarh are called Kutia Kondh while the ones who stay in the plains of Kalahandi are called Desia Kondh.

The Kondhs have two different kinds of singer communities within their jaati. They are called Bogua and Maral. The legend of Nangmati Rajaphulia is mostly narrated by the Desia Kondhs.

The Bogua Kondh bards sing the story about the brother Rajaphulia and sister Nangmati. A similar story is also sung among the Doms and it is called Mardaba Raja geet.

Chuda Hill, Kalahandi

Nangmati is the daughter of a serpent. One day the Chauhan king of Khariar comes upon her while hunting in the forest. As he wants to adopt her as a foster daughter, he calls the village headman to offer prayers to secure the serpent maiden. Rajaphulia, the king’s son and Nangmati grow up together.

One day while they are in a field, there is a deluge. Rajaphulia rescues the farmers and then goes on a boat to save Nangmati. The boat capsizes and is carried down the river. They are rescued by two brothers. The brothers quarrel over Nangmati and finally the younger brother kills the elder brother. He marries Nangmati while his sister marries Rajaphulia. In another version of the story Nangmati and Rajaphulia have an incestuous relationship.

The grand narrative of this katha describes the Chaura dongar,  a holy mountain which is the residence of 484 Kondh gods and goddesses.

Links– Meriah  Dhangda-Dhangdi geet  Toki Parab  Podhmara Jatra