Formation of research clusters. A research cluster consists of 2 to 4 faculty members.
Such clusters can be of five types:
Across schools
Across departments of schools
Across institutions.
Research clusters will prepare five-year research programmes in the areas of their interest. Each cluster will prepare
a comprehensive document pertaining to the proposed research (say, in computational linguistics, digital humanities, culture and technology, psychology and
pedagogy, etc.). Such document must indicate the proposed research problem, relevant literature pertaining to the problem, suggest a hypothesis for inquiry
and spell out the plan of action. The action plan must indicate the cluster's deliverables [workshops, conferences, papers, publications (peer-reviewed journal
publications, books, monographs, edited volumes etc.,)] and their schedule.
The work of the research programmes (generated by the clusters) will gradually shape the orientation of teaching and
research in the concerned department, school and across schools. Research programmes will evolve in symbiotic relation with the teaching activities of the members
of research clusters. Classrooms will be the initial testing grounds for the new research themes.
All research clusters will gradually involve research scholars in the pursuit of their inquiries. Eventually faculty
research clusters will initiate the formation of graduate research clusters among students.
In the first phase of the initiative the nine following multidisciplinary research clusters have emerged at the
RAC activities are monitored by an Advisory Committee