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The EFL University is a multi-campus Humanities university with 3 campuses, with its main campus in Hyderabad and constituent campuses in Lucknow and Shillong.
The university has 7 Schools and 26 Departments. 11 foreign languages apart from other humanities courses are taught through various programmes of the University. It offers 10 (3-year) undergraduate, 18 (2-year) postgraduate and 20 Diploma programmes annually. All the Schools offer (5-year) research programmes. The academic programmes service over 4500 students.
Competency building at the university combines a dual approach – training and research; in other words, theoretical and practical streams of inquiry are combined to address the task of developing expertise through the programmes.
Courses offered on our various programmes adopt a variety of teaching styles that are intense and at the same time engaging. Courses are offered as seminars, tutorials, presentations, lectures, or lab-based held in language labs and digital labs.
Postgraduate programmes follow a modular approach, what is popularly known as ‘the cafeteria system’– students can choose from a variety of courses offered in different areas, such as literature, linguistics and English Language Education and opt for a programme that best suits their goals.
The Foreign Languages division offer courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish from zero-level to PhD. The thrust areas covered in the postgraduate and research courses are language, literature, linguistics, methodology, culture and civilisation, and translation. The programmes are of two kinds: full time and part time.
The School of Distance Education offers PG Certificate and Diploma in the teaching of English for the continuing education of teachers of English. Contact programmes are held at the end of the course. Self-instructional materials are provided for all the programmes. The School also offers a two-year MA English. The scope of research output is vast and the implications global. Research students address the latest areas in the fields of language sciences, literature, language education, culture studies, media, translation, in English and Foreign languages.
Teachers are highly-qualified specialists in given areas and disciplines. They are lead researchers, and sometimes even create their disciplines. They experiment and bring in innovative teaching practices. Teachers and visiting faculty regularly offer semester-long courses in areas that are not necessarily part of the mainstream academic activity at the university — a reflection of the university’s commitment tointellectual cross-fertilization and inter-departmental synergy. Students are from different parts of the country, and from all over the world.Our foreign students include recipients of ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations)scholarships, awarded by the Ministry of External Affairs to foreign nationals, and participants of short-term courses organized as part of our International Training Programme.
Prominent visitors to the University have included the following scholars