For issue of books the borrowers should be present along with their identity card at the circulation desk. Borrower should put his/her signature on the book card provided in the book pocket. After necessary checking, the library staff will issue the book(s) by stamping the due date on the due date slip and return the book(s) to the borrower.
Book(s) should be brought physically for return and renewals. A renewal over telephone/verbal requests/written communication is not entertained.
Borrower is fully responsible for the book(s)/any other material borrowed in her/his account. Hence, members are advised not to sub-lend the materials borrowed from the library.
In exceptional cases, a document maybe recalled before the due date if required by the library.
For issue of new arrivals, priority will be given to the member who recommended that book.
Members should keep the library informed of any change of address during the period of their membership.
Members proceeding on long leave or leaving the station for any other purpose exceeding three months should return the documents that are borrowed by him/her before leaving the institute.
Current issues and back volumes of journals are not issued to the members.
Suggestions regarding purchase of books/other materials, subscriptions maybe given to the librarian.